Robbie Merchant

Robbie Merchant is a trained actor and voice-over artist who trained at Italia Conti Academy. He has worked in all areas of TV, Film, and stage.

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About Robbie Merchant

Robbie Merchant is a trained actor and voice over artist who trained at Italia Conti Academy. He has worked in all areas of TV, Film and stage.

He has played the parts of Malcolm in the European tour of Macbeth, Diggie in A Warwickshire testimony directed by Kate Williams and  Rudge in History boys directed by Lawrence Evans. Robbie worked on and played the part of Leo in “Spin” which watch Aired on Sky and begun as a successful YouTube series.

Robbie also played the part of Henri in the three lives of Lucie Carol which premiered at the Edinburgh fringe festival. He has played the part of Buttons at the compass theatres Cinderella and shortly after went on to work with Mark Jackson for London creatives Shout credit card campaign commercial, Played the part of Freddie in feature film Voices directed by Chris Jupe and Rufus in Chocolate films “the Bullingdon Boys” directed by Tim Marrinan.

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